O-7, r. 14.1 - Regulation respecting the standards for the issue and holding of permits authorizing an optometrist to administer and prescribe medications and provide eye care

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7. The Order notifies a notice to the optometrist who fails to comply with this Division. The notice indicates
(1)  the nature of the optometrist’s failure;
(2)  the 6-month period that the optometrist has from the date of the notification of the notice to remedy the failure and provide proof thereof;
(3)  the sanction to which the optometrist is subject if the optometrist does not remedy the failure within the time prescribed.
O.C. 846-2018, s. 7; O.C. 1655-2023, s. 1.
7. An optometrist who is entered on the roll of the Order as of the 30th month following the beginning of the reference period is exempted from the obligation to take part in the upgrading program for a reference period in effect.
O.C. 846-2018, s. 7.
In force: 2018-07-19
7. An optometrist who is entered on the roll of the Order as of the 30th month following the beginning of the reference period is exempted from the obligation to take part in the upgrading program for a reference period in effect.
O.C. 846-2018, s. 7.